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ideas to start business in poland

34 Business Ideas and Opportunities in Poland

Published on by Miron Symanski

Business ideas and opportunities are innovative concepts or plans for starting and operating a business venture. These ideas typically involve identifying a market need, creating a product or service to meet that need, and developing a strategy to bring it to market. Business opportunities span various industries and niches, offering entrepreneurs the potential for profit and growth by addressing current or emerging market demands. A variety of sectors and business opportunities for entrepreneurs in Poland are shown in the 34 ideas below.

  1. Employee Training and Development
  2. Human Resources Consulting
  3. Business Coaching and Consulting
  4. Market Research and Analysis
  5. Virtual Assistance
  6. App Development
  7. Website Development
  8. Software Development
  9. Blockchain Development
  10. Cybersecurity
  11. Cloud Computing
  12. AI and Machine Learning
  13. Renewable Energy Solutions
  14. Biotechnology
  15. Agricultural Innovation
  16. Environmental Monitoring Systems
  17. Financial Technology Development
  18. Biodegradable Materials
  19. Furniture Manufacturing
  20. Textile and Apparel Manufacturing
  21. Renewable Energy Equipment Production
  22. Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
  23. Packaging Materials Production
  24. Wooden Toys and Games Manufacturing
  25. Honey Production
  26. Organic Farming
  27. Greenhouse Farming
  28. Berry Farming
  29. Herb and Medicinal Plant Farming
  30. Vertical Farming
  31. Agri-Tourism
  32. Cultural and Heritage Tours
  33. Ecotourism
  34. Festivals and Events Organizing
Table of Contents

1. Employee Training and Development

Employee Training and Development is a business opportunity that involves providing specialized training programs and development solutions to organizations and their employees. Many businesses in Poland are keen to invest in employee training to stay competitive, which creates a robust demand for training and development services.

2. Human Resources Consulting

Human Resources (HR) Consulting is providing expert advice and services to businesses in managing their human resources, including recruitment, talent management, employee relations, and compliance. Poland’s strong emphasis on labor regulations and compliance makes HR consulting a crucial service for local businesses. Starting an HR consulting business is moderately challenging, requiring expertise in HR practices, legal compliance, and the ability to offer tailored solutions.

3. Business Coaching and Consulting

Business Coaching and Consulting are providing guidance and expertise to businesses and entrepreneurs to help them improve their performance, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.

Starting a business in this field is not easy since building a reputation, networking within the Polish community, and possibly obtaining relevant certifications are essential steps to establish credibility and attract clients.

4. Market Research and Analysis

Market Research and Analysis are collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to provide businesses with valuable insights into their target markets, consumer behavior, and industry trends. The demand for these services is substantial as companies rely on accurate and up-to-date information to make informed decisions, develop effective marketing strategies, and stay competitive. Market research and analysis businesses assist clients in understanding market dynamics, identifying opportunities and threats, and optimizing their products or services.

Starting such a business in Poland requires building a strong client base, establishing research methodologies, and investing in data resources. Poland offers advantages for this business opportunity due to its expanding economy.

5. Virtual Assistance

Virtual Assistance is a business opportunity that involves providing administrative, creative, technical, or other specialized support services to clients remotely. The demand for virtual assistance has been steadily increasing as the artificial intelligence (AI) industry is booming. Virtual assistants help clients with tasks such as email management, data entry, social media management, scheduling, and more.

Starting a virtual assistance business in Poland is accessible, as it requires minimal overhead costs and can be launched from home. Poland has a growing number of startups, small businesses, and entrepreneurs who often require virtual support to manage various aspects of their operations. Poland’s business culture has embraced remote work and outsourcing, making it receptive to virtual assistance services.

6. App Development

App Development is the creation of software applications for various platforms, such as mobile devices (iOS and Android), web browsers, and desktop computers. The demand for app development services is exceptionally high in today’s digital age, as businesses, organizations, and individuals seek to create mobile and web applications to reach their audiences, streamline operations, and provide innovative solutions.

Starting an app development business is challenging as it requires a team of skilled developers, designers, and project managers, as well as access to the necessary development tools. Poland offers several advantages as it has a thriving tech ecosystem with a strong pool of IT talent, including skilled developers, designers, and programmers making it a prime location for app development companies.

7. Website Development

Website Development is the creation and maintenance of websites for businesses, organizations, or individuals. It encompasses various aspects, including web design, programming, content management, and user experience optimization.

Successful businesses in Poland should be able to offer customized, user-friendly websites that meet client needs and align with current web standards and trends. Poland has a growing economy with a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem, which creates a continuous demand for website development services among startups, small businesses, and established enterprises.

8. Software Development

Software Development is the process of designing, coding, testing, and maintaining computer software and applications. This business opportunity encompasses a wide range of services, including custom software development, mobile app development, and software consulting. The demand for software development services is consistently high in the modern digital age.

9. Blockchain Development

Blockchain Development is creating, customizing, and maintaining blockchain-based applications, platforms, and solutions including smart contract development, decentralized application (DApp) development, and blockchain consulting. The demand for blockchain development services has been steadily increasing as this technology offers secure, transparent, and decentralized solutions for various applications, such as supply chain management, finance, and healthcare.

Starting a blockchain development business in Poland is complicated due to the complexity of blockchain technology and the need for expertise in blockchain protocols and consensus mechanisms. Poland has a growing blockchain ecosystem and a pool of talented IT professionals with expertise in blockchain technology.

10. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is protecting computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, and security breaches including threat detection and prevention, vulnerability assessments, and security consulting. The demand for cybersecurity services is exceptionally high in today’s digital landscape as organizations face an increasing number of cyber threats and attacks.

Cybersecurity businesses play a critical role in safeguarding sensitive information, maintaining data integrity, and ensuring business continuity.

  1. Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a technology that allows individuals and organizations to access and use computing resources, such as servers, storage, databases, and software, over the internet. It eliminates the need for owning and maintaining physical hardware and infrastructure, providing scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

Poland has seen significant investments in state-of-the-art data centers, such as those by companies like Equinix,, and Atman. These data centers are strategically located in cities like Warsaw, Wroclaw, and Krakow.

12. AI and Machine Learning

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning are the development of computer systems and algorithms that perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as pattern recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving. This business opportunity encompasses a wide range of services, including AI application development, data analysis, machine learning model development, and AI consulting.

Poland hosts AI research centers and innovation labs established by global tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and IBM. The country has a burgeoning tech ecosystem with a pool of highly skilled data scientists, engineers, and AI specialists.

13. Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions are technologies and services that harness sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power to generate electricity, heat, or fuel. This business opportunity involves the development, installation, and maintenance of renewable energy systems and infrastructure.

The demand for renewable energy solutions is growing significantly as businesses and governments worldwide are increasingly focused on reducing carbon emissions, mitigating climate change, and transitioning to cleaner energy sources. Poland has a growing renewable energy sector, driven by government initiatives. The Polish government conducts renewable energy auctions, where producers of renewable energy are able to bid for long-term contracts for the sale of electricity.

14. Biotechnology

Biotechnology is the application of biological principles, processes, and techniques to develop products, technologies, and solutions that improve human health, agriculture, industry, and the environment. It includes genetic engineering, pharmaceutical research, medical diagnostics, and agricultural biotechnology.

The demand for biotechnology is consistently high, driven by the need for advancements in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. Biotechnology businesses play a crucial role in developing innovative therapies, diagnostics, and sustainable agricultural practices. The National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) Program in Poland administers several funding programs that support research and development in biotechnology.

15. Agricultural Innovation

Agricultural Innovation is the development and application of novel technologies, practices, and solutions to improve and advance agricultural processes, crop cultivation, livestock management, and overall farm efficiency. This business opportunity includes precision agriculture, biotechnology in farming, sustainable farming practices, and the creation of agricultural equipment and tools.

Poland has a strong agricultural sector and a growing focus on adopting modern technologies and sustainable farming practices. Poland’s business culture recognizes the importance of agriculture and rural development, creating a conducive environment for businesses involved in agricultural innovation.

16. Environmental Monitoring Systems

Environmental Monitoring Systems sector is the development and implementation of technologies and solutions for tracking, measuring, and analyzing environmental parameters and conditions. Starting an environmental monitoring systems business is challenging, requiring expertise in environmental science, sensor technology, data analytics, and software development. It also necessitates collaboration with regulatory bodies, research institutions, and potential clients to design and implement effective monitoring solutions.

Poland offers advantages for the environmental monitoring systems business due to its commitment to environmental sustainability and compliance with EU environmental regulations. Poland participates in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), which puts a price on carbon emissions.

17. Financial Technology Development

Financial Technology Development (FinTech) is the use of technology to create innovative financial services and solutions, including digital banking, mobile payments, peer-to-peer lending, and blockchain-based financial services. FinTech businesses disrupt traditional financial institutions and processes by providing technology-driven alternatives.

The Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) has shown openness to innovative financial services, including crowdfunding and blockchain technology. KNF’s regulatory sandbox program allows FinTech companies to test their products in a controlled environment.

18. Biodegradable Materials

Biodegradable Materials are substances or products that have the ability to decompose naturally and return to the environment without leaving harmful residues. They are a critical component of sustainable and eco-friendly practices, addressing concerns related to plastic pollution and environmental degradation. Businesses in this field play a pivotal role in the development and production of biodegradable plastics, packaging, textiles, and more.

Poland’s rich agricultural resources provide bio-oriented companies like Bioelektra with access to a variety of organic feedstock, such as corn and potato starch, which are essential for producing biodegradable plastics.

19. Furniture Manufacturing

Furniture Manufacturing involves the production of various types of furniture, including residential, commercial, and outdoor furniture. The demand for furniture manufacturing is significant as furniture is an essential part of our daily lives, serving functional and aesthetic purposes in homes, offices, restaurants, hotels, and other spaces.

Many Polish furniture manufacturers prioritize eco-friendly and sustainable practices, including the use of certified wood and environmentally friendly production processes. This aligns with global trends toward sustainable and responsible consumption.

20. Textile and Apparel Manufacturing

Textile and Apparel Manufacturing is the production of textiles, clothing, and related products. This business opportunity spans various segments, including fabric production, clothing manufacturing, and textile accessories. It offers opportunities for entrepreneurs to create clothing lines, produce textiles for various applications, or specialize in niche markets.

Poland offers a cost advantage for the textile and apparel manufacturing business. The average monthly gross wage in Poland’s textile and apparel manufacturing industry is approximately €688, significantly lower than wages in Western European countries like Germany, where the average monthly wage in the textile and apparel industry is around €3,000.

21. Renewable Energy Equipment Production

Renewable Energy Equipment Production is the manufacturing of components and systems used in the generation of renewable energy, such as wind turbines, solar panels, hydropower equipment, and biomass energy systems. The demand for renewable energy equipment is growing rapidly as countries and businesses worldwide shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels

22. Cosmetics and Personal Care Products

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products manufacturing is the production of a wide range of items, including skincare products, makeup, perfumes, hair care products, and toiletries. This industry is characterized by diverse product categories, and it offers opportunities for entrepreneurs to create and market their own brands or produce private-label products for others.

23. Packaging Materials Production

Packaging Materials Production is the manufacturing of various materials used for packaging goods, including containers, labels, cartons, and packaging films. Effective packaging is essential for product protection, branding, and sustainability. This industry offers opportunities for entrepreneurs to supply packaging materials to businesses seeking innovative, eco-friendly, and cost-effective packaging solutions.

Starting a packaging materials production business in Poland needs specialized machinery, raw materials sourcing, and compliance with quality and safety standards. Polish packaging manufacturers invest in advanced technologies for packaging design and production. An example is Amcor, which operates in Poland and is known for its innovative packaging solutions, leveraging state-of-the-art technology.

24. Wooden Toys and Games Manufacturing

Wooden Toys and Games Manufacturing is the production of various toys, puzzles, and games made primarily from wood. Starting a wooden toys and games manufacturing business is an easily rewarding endeavor, but it requires woodworking skills, design expertise, access to woodworking equipment, and knowledge of safety standards.

25. Honey Production

Honey Production involves the cultivation of honeybees and the extraction of honey and other bee-related products. The demand for honey and bee products has been increasing globally due to the growing awareness of their health benefits, including their use in natural sweeteners, cosmetics, and medicinal products.

Poland offers a favorable climate for beekeeping and diverse flora that provides abundant nectar sources for bees. The taxation system for agricultural businesses in Poland offers certain benefits, for example, farm income is not taxable under the general income taxation system with 95% of farmers exempt from paying income tax.

26. Organic Farming

Organic Farming is an agricultural approach that prioritizes sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. It involves the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farming also emphasizes soil health, biodiversity, and animal welfare.

The taxation system for farming in Poland offers certain benefits or incentives to organic farmers. As an example, when a farmer expands their agricultural land to a maximum of 100 hectares, establishes a new agricultural holding, or acquires or leases land through the Agricultural Land Agency, they become eligible for tax exemption. Additionally, specific categories of agricultural land, wooded areas, and organic farms also qualify for exemption from this tax.

27. Greenhouse Farming

Greenhouse Farming is the cultivation of plants within a controlled environment, typically within structures such as greenhouses or polytunnels. This method allows for year-round crop production by regulating factors like temperature, humidity, and light.

Poland offers a climate with distinct seasons makes year-round crop production more challenging, making greenhouses an attractive option for consistent supply. Poland’s business culture reflects a growing demand for fresh, high-quality, and locally grown produce, creating opportunities for greenhouse-grown fruits and vegetables.

28. Berry Farming

Berry Farming is the cultivation of various types of berries, including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Berries are highly sought after for their sweet and nutritious qualities, making them a popular choice for consumers, food processors, and the foodservice industry.

Poland’s climate and soil conditions are conducive to berry cultivation, making it an ideal location for growing various types of berries.

  1. Herb and Medicinal Plant Farming

Herb and Medicinal Plant Farming is the cultivation of various herbs and plants known for their medicinal, culinary, or aromatic properties. Consumers seek natural remedies, culinary herbs, and aromatic plants for various purposes, including herbal medicine, culinary arts, and aromatherapy.

Poland’s business culture reflects a growing interest in holistic health, natural remedies, and culinary arts, creating a market for fresh, locally grown herbs and medicinal plants. The taxation system for herb and medicinal plant farming in Poland offers certain benefits or incentives, such as 8% VAT rates for fresh produce or herbs for medicinal use vs the standard 23% VAT.

30. Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming is an innovative approach to agriculture that involves the cultivation of crops in vertically stacked layers, often in controlled environments like warehouses or urban spaces. This method of farming uses advanced technologies, such as hydroponics or aeroponics, to grow crops without soil and with precise control over environmental conditions like light, temperature, and nutrient levels.

In Poland, vertical farming is known for its resource efficiency. It uses up to 95% less water compared to traditional agriculture. Additionally, by utilizing LED lighting and precise climate control, vertical farms achieve energy savings of up to 90%. A vertical farm in Poland is able to produce up to 200 times more lettuce per square meter annually compared to conventional farming.

31. Agri-Tourism

Agri-Tourism is a unique business opportunity that combines agriculture and tourism. It involves offering visitors experiences related to farming, rural life, and agricultural activities. These experiences include farm tours, fruit-picking, animal interactions, farm stays, and participation in traditional farming activities.

Agri-tourism is booming in Poland as it boasts picturesque rural landscapes, historic farms, and a rich agricultural heritage that provide a unique and authentic experience for visitors.

32. Cultural and Heritage Tours

Cultural and Heritage Tours is organizing guided tours and experiences that focus on the cultural, historical, and heritage aspects of a particular region or location. These tours often include visits to museums, historical sites, landmarks, and interactions with local traditions and customs.

Poland has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, with historic cities, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and a wealth of museums and cultural institutions. The Polish government offers support or incentives to promote cultural and heritage tourism. For example, there is no VAT on conservation works on historic buildings but VAT at the standard rate of 23% is chargeable on repairs and construction works.

33. Ecotourism

Ecotourism is a form of responsible tourism that focuses on exploring natural environments while conserving and preserving them. This type of tourism emphasizes sustainability, environmental education, and community involvement. Ecotourism destinations typically include national parks, wildlife reserves, and other areas of ecological significance.

Poland includes diverse landscapes, including mountains, forests, lakes, and a Baltic Sea coastline, making it an attractive destination for nature enthusiasts.

34. Festivals and Events Organizing

Festivals and Events Organizing is planning, coordinating, and executing various types of festivals, events, and gatherings. This business opportunity includes music festivals, cultural celebrations, corporate events, conferences, weddings, and more.

Poland has a vibrant cultural scene, a growing corporate sector, and a tradition of celebrating various events and festivals. For example, Easter (Wielkanoc) is a significant religious holiday in Poland, and celebrations include the blessing of Easter baskets filled with symbolic foods such as eggs, bread, and ham. In some regions, there are elaborate processions, and people engage in “Śmigus-Dyngus” or “Wet Monday,” where they playfully splash water on each other to symbolize cleansing and renewal.

Is the economy in Poland suitable for starting a new business?

Yes, the economy in Poland is suitable for starting a new business. Poland has a growing and dynamic economy, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors. The country has experienced consistent economic growth over the past decades, and it offers a stable business environment with a well-developed infrastructure, access to EU markets, and a skilled workforce. Additionally, Poland has implemented business-friendly policies, simplified registration procedures, and offers various incentives to encourage entrepreneurship and foreign investment. These factors, along with its strategic location in Europe, make Poland a favorable place to start and grow a business.

How long does it take to start a business in Poland?

It takes about 5 to 7 business days to start a business in Poland. The process involves several steps, including company registration, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and registering for tax purposes. To speed up the process, entrepreneurs utilize online registration services, consult with local business agencies, and ensure they have all required documentation in order. After these steps, the company can be officially registered, allowing it to legally operate in Poland.

Do you need a registered company to run a business in Poland?

Yes, you need to have a registered company to run a business in Poland. To legally operate a business in Poland, you typically need to register a company, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. This registration process involves fulfilling legal requirements, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and registering for tax purposes. Having a registered company provides you with legal status, liability protection, and the ability to engage in commercial activities in compliance with Polish laws and regulations. Starting a company is a fundamental step in establishing and conducting business activities in Poland.

How to start a company in Poland once you have a business idea?

To start a company in Poland once you have a business idea, you need to determine whether you want to establish a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a limited liability company (sp. z o.o.). Your choice will impact liability, taxation, and other aspects of your business. Register your company with the National Court Register (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy) or the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) if you’re opting for a sole proprietorship. Prepare the necessary documents, including the company’s articles of association or statutes.

Depending on your business type and industry, you need specific permits or licenses. Verify and acquire these permits from relevant authorities. Register your business for taxation purposes with the tax office (Urząd Skarbowy) and obtain a tax identification number (NIP). Set up a dedicated business bank account to separate personal and business finances.

Starting a company in Poland involves various legal, financial, and administrative steps. Seek professional advice and consult with legal and tax experts to ensure compliance with Polish business regulations and to facilitate a smooth company formation process.