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salaries and earnings in poland

Salary in Poland: Average Wages of Occupations

Published on by Miron Symanski

Salary is the consistent income individuals receive, typically monthly or bi-monthly, and it’s the backbone of their financial stability. Knowing that the average monthly salary in Poland hovers around 7,560 PLN provides a snapshot of typical earnings.

Poland’s job market encompasses diverse professions. For example, IT specialists earn 8,000 PLN monthly, while nurses receive around 4,000 PLN. Business owners, who don’t rely on fixed salaries, generate income from their ventures. Cafe owners and tech startup founders, for instance, experience vastly different income realities.

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What is the average salary in Poland?

The average gross monthly salary in Poland is around 7,560 PLN. When converted to USD, it is roughly $1820 per month. The average gross annual salary is approximately 90,800 PLN, which equates to approximately $21,840 per year. If you calculate it on an hourly basis (based on a standard 40-hour workweek), it is around 47 PLN per hour, or approximately $11.3 per hour.

The median salary is a middle value in the range of salaries covering from the minimum to the maximum salary figures. The median salary in Poland is often lower than the average salary. Ranging from an average minimum salary of 1,910 PLN to an average maximum salary of 33,800 PLN, this would leave us with a median monthly salary of 6,510 PLN or $1,568.

There is typically a difference in salaries between Warsaw (the capital) and the rest of the country. Warsaw tends to have higher average salaries due to its status as the economic and financial hub of Poland. In Warsaw, the average salary could be higher by about 15-20% compared to other regions.

Salaries vary significantly across different occupations. For example, IT specialists, medical professionals, and engineers often earn higher salaries compared to jobs in retail or customer service. The specific salary range within an occupation depends on factors such as experience, location, and industry.

How does the occupation affect the average salary in Poland?

Occupation plays a pivotal role in shaping the average salary in Poland. Diverse professions come with distinct income levels, influenced by factors like demand, skills required, and education. The average salaries for various occupations, including factory workers, truck drivers, software engineers, data scientists, doctors, teachers, mechanical engineers, managers, and even professional basketball players are shown below.

Factory workers in Poland typically earn an average monthly salary of around 2,348 PLN ($565) or an annual income of approximately 28,180 PLN ($6,786). They often earn around 15 PLN ($3.5) per hour.

Truck drivers earn an average monthly salary of 2,175 PLN ($523) or an annual average income of 26,100 PLN ($6,276). On an hourly basis, they typically make around 13.6 PLN ($3.3).

Software engineers in Poland enjoy relatively higher salaries, with an average monthly income of 9,185 PLN ($2,212) or an annual salary of 110,229 PLN ($26,544). On an hourly basis, they earn approximately 57.4 PLN ($13.8).

Data scientists, skilled in data analysis and interpretation, command competitive salaries in Poland, with average monthly earnings of 9,519 PLN ($2,292). Their annual income typically falls around 114,239 PLN ($27,510), with an hourly rate of around 44.9 PLN ($10.8).

Medical professionals, including doctors, receive substantial compensation for their expertise. An average doctor in Poland earns approximately 17,541 PLN per month ($4,224), resulting in an annual income of 210,500 PLN ($50,691). Their hourly rate is around 109 PLN ($26.4).

Teachers in Poland earn salaries that vary based on experience and education level. On average, they make around 5,733 PLN per month ($1,380), or 68,796 PLN annually ($16,567). Their hourly rate is around 35.8 PLN ($8.6).

Mechanical engineers enjoy competitive salaries, with an average monthly income of 5,911 PLN ($1,423) and an annual income of 70,942 PLN ($17,083). They typically earn around 36.9 PLN per hour ($8.9).

Managers in Poland earn significant salaries, with an average monthly income of 9,721 PLN ($2,340). Their annual income is around 116,653 PLN ($28,091). Their hourly rate is around 60.7 PLN ($14.6).

Professional athletes, such as basketball players, earn varying salaries based on their league, experience, and marketability. In Poland, salaries range widely from thousands to tens of thousands of PLN per month. The average value for monthly gross salary would be 8,000 PLN ($1,926) or an annual salary of 96,000 PLN ($23,112). Their hourly rate is around 50 PLN ($12).

Worth mentioning that the above salary ranges are increasing over the years while keeping in mind that the minimum wage is also revised regularly in Poland, and it jumped to 3,600 PLN ($866) in July 2023.

What is the minimum wage in Poland?

The minimum wage in Poland is approximately 3,600 PLN ($866) gross per month. This minimum wage applied to full-time employees working under standard conditions. It’s essential to note that minimum wage rates change over time due to government policies and inflation.

How does average salary affect business owners of Poland?

The average salary in Poland significantly impacts business owners and influence their decision of starting a company in Poland by influencing their labor costs, profitability, and competitiveness in the market.

Business owners must consider the prevailing average salary when budgeting for labor costs. Higher average salaries lead to increased expenses in terms of employee wages, benefits, and social security contributions. Managing labor costs effectively is crucial for maintaining a healthy bottom line. The average salary level in an industry affects a business owner’s ability to attract and retain skilled employees. If an industry offers relatively low average salaries compared to others, it will struggle to attract top talent, potentially affecting the quality of products or services offered.

Business profitability is closely tied to labor costs. High average salaries cut into profit margins, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Business owners must strike a balance between providing competitive wages to retain talent and ensuring profitability.

Businesses operating in regions with higher average salaries, such as the capital city of Warsaw, face increased pressure to offer competitive wages to remain attractive to potential employees. In contrast, businesses in areas with lower average salaries have more flexibility in labor costs but face challenges in finding skilled workers.

Business owners must comply with labor laws and regulations when hiring employees. This includes creating employment contracts that outline the terms of employment, including salary, working hours, and benefits. Failure to adhere to legal requirements results in penalties and legal issues.

Business owners in Poland are required to provide employment contracts to their employees, outlining essential terms and conditions of employment, including salary. The hiring process typically involves advertising job vacancies, conducting interviews, and complying with labor laws to ensure fair and lawful employment practices.

Why salary is important for the employment contract in Poland?

Salary is crucial for the employment contract in Poland because it defines the financial terms of employment, ensuring clarity, fairness, and legal compliance within the hiring process.

The inclusion of salary details in the employment contract provides clarity to both the employer and the employee. It sets clear expectations regarding the compensation package, including the amount, payment frequency (e.g., monthly), and any additional benefits or bonuses.

In Poland, labor laws require employers to specify the salary or wage offered to employees in the employment contract. This legal requirement ensures that both parties understand the financial terms of the employment relationship, promoting transparency and adherence to labor regulations.

Including salary information in the employment contract ensures that employees are fairly compensated for their work. It helps prevent misunderstandings or disputes related to compensation, promoting a fair and equitable working environment.

A well-documented employment contract that outlines salary details serves as a legal protection for both the employer and the employee. It minimizes the risk of disputes or legal challenges related to compensation during the hiring process and throughout the employment relationship.

During the hiring process in Poland, potential employees often inquire about salary and benefits as part of their decision-making process. Providing salary details upfront in the employment contract attracts suitable candidates and streamline the recruitment process.